Monday, March 18, 2013

Third Pillar

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam, and is expected to be paid by all practicing Muslims who have the financial means. Zakat is only payable on assets continuously owned over one lunar year that are in excess of the nisab, a minimum monetary value. The nisab for gold and other money is the value of 85 grams of gold at world prices. The amount of zakat to be paid on capital assets (e.g. money) is 2.5%

Develop a C# GUI Windows Form Application that will calculate zakat amount for money assets. The application will do the following:

  • Display a nice form with the necessary controls to get the money amount from the user
  • Get the amount for money assets
  • If amount of money is equal or greater than nisab, calculate the zakat amount
  • Display proper message to the user with the zakat amount

Please refer to the following link for more information:

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